MKA Economics

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Our services

MKA Economics deliver support in the following areas:

  • Business planning (Strategic, Outline and Full Business Case)
  • Community consultations 
  • Economic impact assessment
  • Environmental Impact Assessment support
  • Event impact assessment
  • External funding source and application (Levelling Up and City Deal)
  • Feasibility studies
  • Market research and mapping
  • Option appraisal
  • Policy support
  • Socio-economic auditing and baselining
  • Socio-economic, tourism and recreation assessments 
  • Strategy formulation 

Much of our work is completed in partnership with architects, engineers, environmental consultants, landscape architects, town planners, urban designers and industry specific experts.

MKA Ecomomics showed great insight when preparing an economic assessment for our proposed strategic housing and national diary project in Stirling. They presented a compelling and unequivocal case on the positive impact the investment would have on key metrics of job creation, GVA and innovation. This made a significant contribution towards the Council’s Head of Planning recommending approval for the application.
Robert B Graham, Managing Director, Graham’s the Family Dairy